Export Type – Select the required Export Type from the drop down list (Note: CatchData recommends exporting and importing into your chosen software program in this order: Jobs, Clients, Suppliers, Job Invoices, Supplier Invoices, Timesheets).
Export Option –
All changed data since last export – This is the default option for exporting from CatchData, this option will export all data from the selected export type that has been created or changed since the last export.
Select via Date Range – This option is available if data needs to be exported between a certain date range, under the selection you with see two choices Changed Date or Item Date.
Changed Date – Selecting changed date will export any items that have been entered or changed/updated within the selected date period.
Item Date – Selecting Item Date will export any items that are within the selected date period, rather than when it was entered or changed/updated
Format – You can choose to either download the export file into a note pad or email the file to a selected email address
Click Preview Data
Items that are available for the selected Export Type will appear in a table below
Note: If an item has previously been exported and then updated/changed, when exporting next by default these items will not be selected to be exported
If required, these items can be selected. If manually selected a warning message will appear and the user must confirm they are happy to continue with export.
If items are not exported, CatchData recommends checking both records within CatchData and your accounting system to confirm the changes/updates made since the initial export.
Once confirmed click Export Data
The file will be displayed within your download bar at the bottom of your web browser (if file doesn’t display check you don’t have pop-ups blocked)