- Under the Administration tab select Job Tasks
- Under Job Tasks select Job Task Templates

- Click Add New Job Task Template

- Enter in Template/Report name
- Show Template on Service Report – If ticked, this template will appear on the service report, if service reports are sent to your client they will be able to see this information. If un-ticked template won’t appear on the service report, the office will be able view the information within the job card.
- Allow Field Staff to add template on Service Report – If ticked, when field staff are creating a service report (on the field website) they will be able to add in the template themselves (this is a good tool in-case the administration team have left out a template that the field staff require). If un-ticked field staff cannot add in the template.
- Click Save

- Once saved, the page will expand allowing you to add in the required job tasks to the template

- The right hand side lists all the available job tasks (Please See How To – Create a New Job Task if needed)
- The left hand side is where you add the job tasks that are required for the template you’re creating
- There are two ways you can add the job tasks to the template
- Drag and Drop – Drag the job task from the right hand side to the left hand side where “Drop Job Task Here” is displayed

- Typing – Where “Start typing activity details here” is displayed, start typing out the job task you need to enter, a drop down box will appear, select the one you need then click Add (this is helpful if you have multiple pages of Job Tasks)

- Once you have finished building your report click Save